Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finally, Domenica

Recently, I had the pleasure of going to Domenica with a small group of friends. Domenica opened over two years ago and despite several attempts I've never eaten there. Cocktails at the bar? Sure. Staring at the diners on my way to the Sazerac Bar? Absolutely. Sit down meal? Finally!

To call this is one of the best meals I've eaten this year would be an understatement. The flavor profiles in nearly every dish I tasted was both delectable and delightfully surprising. We began with a meat board accompanied by savory beignets, which were so light and airy I found myself shocked. Next we had a pasta dish known as stracci that was served with oxtail and lightly fried chicken livers. For most the idea of a rag pasta served with chicken livers would be incredibly unappetizing but it really was something of a treat.

Domenica is one of a few restaurants in New Orleans that serves wood fired pizza. Considering the reputation that this pizza has built for itself, there was no way I was leaving without trying it. We ordered the spicy lamb meatball pizza with ricotta, rapini and mint. There may have been a hint of fennel in the meatball mixture and despite the fact that I abhor anything licorice flavored I really loved this pizza. My only regret is not living in the CBD so that I could take advantage of their delivery service. Our other entrees were the pork shank and wood roasted goat. Both of which were tender, delicious and inspiring. Just as we were all breaking into food sweats that come with any satisfactory meal we decided to push our luck a bit further and order dessert.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this was my favorite part of the meal. I ordered the banana zuppa inglese, which is effectually a banana sponge cake topped with a butterscotch mousse and peanut brittle. It was amazing. It wasn't too sweet and had just the right amount of crunch. It was also the perfect ending to a meal that was more than worth the wait.

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